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Danny Scott             

Intuitive Energy Wellness Facilitator


   "When the student is ready, the teacher appears."

And that is exactly how it happened. 

        It was in 2009 that I experienced a succession of intense mystical occurrences, that would change the course of my life, forever. During that time, I was introduced to an intuitive healer, who would also become one of my teachers, mentor and friend. Having never before heard terms such as "Harmonic convergence", "intuitive", "empath", "clairaudient", "clairvoyant" and clairsentient", these terms carried a resonance that was undeniable for me. Being actively engaged in these fields of service and study since that time, is what continues to enhance my abilities to successfully help others;

locally and globally.

        I strive to create a comforting, safe space for my clients. To better assist in their personal understanding of ones own life experiences, from the past, in the present and beyond; every session is client specific. Through sharing, learning and teaching, it is an intention of mine to aid in guiding you on your very own personal path of evolution; towards healing, higher consciousness and universal connectivity. It is a mission, when embarking on together, we may find greater clarity about who and what each of us are, both individually and collectively. 

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